Japan Says Its Embassy In Beijing Was Targeted With A Brick As Diplomatic Row Over Fukushima Waste Water Escalates


Japanese authorities confirmed Tuesday that a brick was thrown at their embassy in Beijing as tensions between the two Asian powers continued to simmer over Japan’s decision to release treated radioactive water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean.

Key Facts

Japanese Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi confirmed the brick-throwing incident to the press on Tuesday and urged Chinese officials to ensure the safety of Japanese citizens residing in the country, AFP reported.

Hayashi said the Chinese government should call on its citizens to “act calmly to prevent the situation from escalating.”

The minister also said that Beijing should offer “accurate information” about the Fukushima water release instead of fanning people’s concerns with unscientific details.

Citing embassy staff the reported said that some people approached the embassy’s main entrance and tossed the brick into the compound before they were removed by armed police

On Monday, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida claimed that his country's citizens have been facing an uptick in harassment from China.

The Chinese foreign ministry pushed back against Tokyo’s complaints saying it “protects the safety” of all foreigners in the country and saying it had shared its own concerns about the “harassment of Chinese embassies and consulates in Japan.”

Chief Critic

During the Chinese Foreign Ministry’s daily press briefing, spokesperson Wang Wenbin said: “The Japanese government disregards the strong criticism and opposition of the international community and unilaterally started the discharge of nuclear-contaminated water and that is the root cause of the status quo.”

News Peg

The Japanese foreign ministry has urged its citizens to maintain a low profile in China and avoid speaking Japanese loudly in public to avoid potential harassment. According to Kyodo News, several entities including the Japanese Embassy in Beijing, schools in Fukushima and small businesses across Japan have been at the receiving end of “nuisance phone calls.” The operator of the Fukushima power plant has been targeted similarly. Both AFP and Kyodo reported that Japanese schools in China have been targeted with stones and eggs.

Further Reading

Japan Will Release Nuclear Wastewater From Ruined Fukushima Plant Into The Pacific Ocean From Thursday—Here’s What To Know (Forbes)

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